Our Story

Our U-Reach Group started in 2002 from Taiwan and expanded globally to support different regions. As the world's leading manufacturer of DVD, flash, and HDD duplicators for more than a decade, U-Reach has and strives to continue building cutting edge technologies for valuable data solutions.

In 2014, U-Reach GmbH formed in Germany as the Europe headquarter. We extend the manufacturer's services to Europe, offering quality deliveries to meet ever-changing market needs and contribute to the greater success of the industry.

At U-Reach, we demonstrate our "Just-Right Solutions" philosophy for duplication and sanitizing solutions. We are committed to deliver an efficient and secure experience for our users.

Innovation aside, our customer-oriented business philosophy drives the company to confront new challenges every day. Leveraging information technology expertise, as well as solid technology advancement acquired over the years. We strive to provide cohesive solutions that are both efficient and effective in optimizing the duplication process. With U-Reach GmbH, we make customer satisfaction our top priority to our existing and new customers, further expanding various solutions and services.

Leading in Technology Innovations

Our products offer high efficiency and quality testing for many popular devices, especially with our Flash/Hard Drive duplication and sanitization features. U-Reach's unique technology is beneficial and used worldwide by electronic manufacturers, Fortune 500 corporations, educational systems, government agencies, military branches, etc.

For example:
-It's the only product on the market that is high-speed and supports multiprocessing with a dedicated bandwidth that enables high volume duplications without speed degradation.
-Non-PC based duplicators generate event log report that record session details and media device information (S/N, ID, model, capacity).
-The special invisible ink technology protects the event log report from any unauthorized modifications.
-The smart Daisy-Chain technology provides the best production flexibility for enterprise corporations.